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This season we are going to raise the stakes. We will be recording every derby and at the end of the season, there will be two 1st place gifts being presented to the best overall Hero and best overall boater. So the more events you participate in, the more your chances are to win.
*** Please be sure to register via Eventbrite by clicking on tickets/free of this event
This is a monthly fishing derby with awards being given to teams for several categories at each event. We pair each Hero (non-boater Veteran/Active Duty Armed Forces & First Responder) with a volunteer boater. Each team will consist of two anglers per boat. All teams are to launch at 0600 and return by 1300. Weigh-ins will follow with each team releasing their catch immediately after.
Big Bass 1st & 2nd
Big Panfish 1st & 2nd
Big Miscellaneous 1st & 2nd
Overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd VOLUNTEERS WANTED!!! If you have a bass boat with a live well and an experienced angler, please join us and take a non-boater Hero out fishing! Whether you are a Hero supporting your brothers and sisters or a civilian wanting to give back and thank our Nation’s Heroes, we want you!!!
We ask that all volunteer boaters arrive by 0500, get your boat and gear ready by 0600, sign in and get to know one another until teams are announced. We ask that all non-boater Heroes arrive by 0530, get signed in and get to know one another until teams are announced.


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